On Publishing

On Writing Aspiring writers often seek advice about how to find a publisher or a literary agent. Unfortunately, most authors don’t know much about the book business, unless they happen to live and work in the New York publishing world. Jane Friedman I once featured links to various sites about how to get published or […]

How To Query A Literary Agent

Ye Olde Query Letter I loathe writing. On the other hand I’m a great believer in money. –S.J. Perelman Many large publishing houses accept only manuscripts submitted by agents. Many agents aren’t interested in representing unpublished authors. So now what? If you are an unpublished novelist, don’t bother a literary agent or anyone else in […]

Would My Book Make A Good Movie?

Books and movies are two different languages. To compare the two is like comparing pottery and stained glass. –Russel Banks Probably half the movies made in Hollywood are adaptations of stories that originally appeared as novels, nonfiction books, comic books, graphic novels, short stories, plays, poems, or what have you. Hollywood studios and production companies […]

Good Books On Screenwriting

“In Hollywood, writers are considered only the first draft of human beings.” –Frank Deford On Screenwriting The best resource for screenwriters seeking “official information” about Hollywood is the Writers’ Guild Of America website. If you want inside information about how writers survive in the business, you are in luck. A dozen or so professional screenwriters […]