It’s a mystery . . .
I have a short story, Sycamore Acres, in the July/August 2021 issue of Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine.
I have a short story, Sycamore Acres, in the July/August 2021 issue of Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine.
Published in the The New Yorker magazine, Richard Dooling’s Bush Pigs is a harrowing tale of reverse culture shock and a cult favorite among expats who wander abroad and are sometimes unprepared for the trauma of returning to the first world. After three years in the bush, a Peace Corps Volunteer is evacuated from war-torn Sierra Leone and sent home to Omaha, Nebraska, where he attempts to celebrate his return in a steak house. What happens next is called reverse culture shock. G.K. Chesterton put it this way: “The whole object of traveling abroad is not to set foot on foreign land; it is to set foot on one’s own country as a foreign land when one returns.” By Richard Dooling, author of White Man’s Grave, a novel. Actor Mark Nelson read Bush Pigs live at Symphony Space in New York City for the famous Selected Shorts program. His performance was recorded and played on NPR over the years. You can listen to Mark Nelson’s performance of Richard Dooling’s Bush Pigs by clicking HERE. Bush Pigs, a short story, by Richard Dooling Bush Pigs participates in Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited program.
I spent my undergrad years painting dorm rooms to pay my tuition and never once allowed schooling to get in the way of my education. I graduated from St. Louis University in 1976 and decided it was time to actually read all of the books that I never had time to read while I was a working student. I lined the walls of a one-bedroom apartment in midtown Omaha with concrete-block-and-board shelves and soon amassed a formidable library of trade paperback books. For years, I worked day jobs and spent the rest of my time reading and writing. Maybe I was testing the truth of Augustine Birrell’s claim that any ordinary man can surround himself with two thousand books and be happy for the rest of his life. Happiness or no, in 1980, I decided to “see the world.” I read a fantastic book called The Art & Adventure Of Traveling Cheaply, by Rick Berg. Berg’s book could have been subtitled: Travel Light. Everything should fit in one medium-sized backpack, including your sleeping bag and ground cloth, one long sleeve shirt, one T-shirt, one extra pair of socks, underwear optional. Carry-on only! Don’t even think about checking it. For the […]
What Woolrich lacked in literary prestige he made up for in suspense. Nobody was better at it. He achieved financial success and even fame during his lifetime, but enjoyed neither, living alone or with his ailing mother in a series of decrepit New York City hotel rooms for most of his life.
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