“In Hollywood, writers are considered only the first draft of human beings.” –Frank Deford On Screenwriting The best resource for screenwriters seeking “official information” about Hollywood is the Writers’ Guild Of America website. If you want inside information about how writers survive in the business, you are in luck. A dozen or so professional screenwriters maintain excellent websites and blogs featuring everything you need to know about how to write and sell screenplays. Even five or six years ago, this information was impossible to get unless you lived in Los Angeles and worked in the business. Start with screenwriter John August (Go, Big Fish, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), who runs a popular blog featuring “a ton of useful information about screenwriting” at John August.com. He and Craig Mazin (Chernobyl, Hangover II) also run the popular podcast, ScriptNotes, with frequent guests discussing how they broke in, what to do in your first meeting with the studio, and many other useful topics. When you visit these sites, leave a thank you note: They’re funny, useful, and well-maintained. Aspiring television writers belong at the always excellent Jane Espenson site. Done Deal is a great resource for screenwriters, especially for those not living […]