Survival Of The Smartest: Will Geeks Inherit The Earth? Purchase From Amazon. Media Coverage of Rapture For The Geeks: Sunday New York Times Op-Ed, “The Rise of the Machines,” by Richard Dooling. Jeremy Lott reviews Rapture For The Geeks at Ars Technica. The Wall Street Journal Digital Network. The New York Observer, Digital Doomsday, by Gillian Reagan. Thomas Edsall discusses Man Versus Machine and Richard Dooling’s “New York Times Op-Ed, The Rise of the Machines,” at The Huffington Post. Ferris Jabr puts Rapture For The Geeks on Pyschology Today’s bookshelf. Daniel Kennelly discusses Rapture For The Geeks, Richard Dawkins, and atheist-baiting at Doublethink Online. David Takami reviews Rapture For The Geeks in the Seattle Times. The Independent, Keen On New Media: The New Master of the Universe, by Andrew Keen. Marketplace host Kai Ryssdal interviews Richard Dooling on American Public Media’s Marketplace program. Listen to Richard Dooling discuss Rapture For The Geeks on Coast To Coast Radio with George Noory, Monday, September 29th, from 11pm-2am Pacific. Publisher’s Weekly review of Rapture For The Geeks. Your User Profile (Excerpted from Rapture For The Geeks, by Richard Dooling.) User, noun. The word computer professionals use when they mean “idiot.” –Dave Barry […]