Creighton University Disinvites Anne Lamott

Back in early 2007, Creighton University invited author Anne Lamott to speak at the school and exacerbated an ongoing spat with the Omaha Archdiocese, which was unhappy to learn that Lamott supposedly supported assisted suicide. Creighton University officials said they invited Anne Lamott to speak before her book Grace (Eventually): Thoughts on Faith, came out […]

The Wizard Drops the Curtain – New York Times

I attended Berkshire Hathaway’s annual meeting and wrote about it for The New York Times Op-Ed page: THE Berkshire Hathaway Corporation held its annual shareholders meeting here last weekend, drawing a record 27,000 capitalist faithful from all over the world to worship at the Qwest Center in downtown Omaha. Onstage, the chairman and investor in […]

On Publishing

On Writing Aspiring writers often seek advice about how to find a publisher or a literary agent. Unfortunately, most authors don’t know much about the book business, unless they happen to live and work in the New York publishing world. Jane Friedman I once featured links to various sites about how to get published or […]

How To Query A Literary Agent

Ye Olde Query Letter I loathe writing. On the other hand I’m a great believer in money. –S.J. Perelman Many large publishing houses accept only manuscripts submitted by agents. Many agents aren’t interested in representing unpublished authors. So now what? If you are an unpublished novelist, don’t bother a literary agent or anyone else in […]

If By Whiskey – On Campaign Speeches

If alcohol is a crutch, then Jack Daniel’s is the wheelchair. Eight glasses and you forget the English language. You just have one massive vowel movement. –Robin Williams Political Oratory Before the bloom of the campaign is off the rose of the election, it’s worth recalling the finest example of political oratory from any century. […]