• Has A Witch Spirit Taken Over Your Soul?

    The issue, then, is whether a witch person, or witch host would always know he or she had a witch spirit. The Mende disagree on this point, and so do the anthropologists. Some say that when a witch enters a village, it is like a powerful sound in a room filled with tuning forks. Or…

  • Justice Holmes Teaches The First Amendment

    Originally published in The Wall Street Journal. The more certain you are, the more you should resist the temptation to silence those who disagree. If you are absolutely certain that President Trump is or is not an idiot, that climate change is or is not the most pressing problem of our age, that abortion is…

  • The Writer’s Guide To Bread Baking

    How writers and 6-year-olds can bake better bread than you buy in most grocery stores and bakeries.

  • It’s a mystery . . .

    I have a short story, Sycamore Acres, in the July/August 2021 issue of Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine.

  • Bush Pigs: A Tale of Reverse Culture Shock

    Published in the The New Yorker magazine, Richard Dooling’s Bush Pigs is a harrowing tale of reverse culture shock and a cult favorite among expats who wander abroad and are sometimes unprepared for the trauma of returning to the first world. After three years in the bush, a Peace Corps Volunteer is evacuated from war-torn…

  • Why Books Aren’t Dead Yet

    I spent my undergrad years painting dorm rooms to pay my tuition and never once allowed schooling to get in the way of my education. I graduated from St. Louis University in 1976 and decided it was time to actually read all of the books that I never had time to read while I was…


Mothers Against World Of Warcraft

graphics by kevin ryan (kryan at dday dot com) Mothers Against World of Warcraft (Excerpted from Rapture For The Geeks, by Richard Dooling.) Let’s say that the Singularity is really

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Rejection, Thy Constant Companion

Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. –Winston Churchill Most writers worry about rejection, not acceptance. Ray Bradbury says that the

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On Publishing

On Writing Aspiring writers often seek advice about how to find a publisher or a literary agent. Unfortunately, most authors don’t know much about the book business, unless they happen

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How To Query A Literary Agent

Ye Olde Query Letter I loathe writing. On the other hand I’m a great believer in money. –S.J. Perelman Many large publishing houses accept only manuscripts submitted by agents. Many

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